What the last chiropractor isn’t:
· Mechanistic
· Insurance dependant
· Low tech
· Low volume
· Only focused on individuals
· High fees
· Focused on symptoms
· Using a non specific technique
· A follower in their community
· Lacking passion, vision, motivation, certainty
The last chiropractor isn’t mechanistic; they are vitalistic in everything that they do. They realize that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. That nature needs no help, just no interference. They are vitalistic with their application of technique, with their marketing, and practice member education.
The last chiropractor isn’t insurance dependent; they have a cash practice and deliver outstanding sevice for a fair fee that people are willing and able to afford. There are multiple ways to pay for the care such as cash, check, credit card, debit card, or care plans with care credit.
The last chiropractor isn’t low tech, they are high tech. They utilize the latest technology when it comes to location, detection, and monitoring the vertebral subluxation complex. They use high tech ways to monitor people’s posture as well. They use the internet to communicate with their practice members, to network with other professionals, to have a state of the art web site.
The last chiropractor isn’t low volume; they are high volume for many reasons. The first one being that they get such great results that they get so many referrals, they are forced to be efficient, effective, and elegant with their technique to keep up with the great demand.
The last chiropractor isn’t only focused on individuals, they are focused on families. They realize that it is far easier and smarter to care for children than to try to fix worn out adults. When a baby is subluxation free they can live a life they were designed to live and live up to their full potential.
The last chiropractor isn’t charging high fees; they are charging fees that everyone can afford. They offer a very affordable fee structures so that the entire family can receive chiropractic care for a lifetime.
The last chiropractor isn’t focused on symptoms and is focused on subluxations and the person with the subluxations. They understand that symptoms are an intelligent design to tell us that something is wrong, however by just addressing symptoms you never get to the cause of the individuals problem. By locating and correcting subluxations it gives the practice member the best chance to self heal and self regulate.
The last chiropractor isn’t using a non specific technique and does use a specific technique that has clear indicators to determine if the practice member is subluxated or not. With clear indicators this gives the practice member and the chiropractor confidence that they are getting the best possible care available.
The last chiropractor isn’t a follower in their community; they are the leader in their community. They are role models that everyone looks up to. They are leaders in their community organizations such as the chamber of commerce, Lions, Rotary club, Churches, Schools, and other civic organizations.
The last chiropractor isn’t lacking passion, vision, motivation, certainty, because they are passionate, visionaries, motivated, and certain. When you are one of the last chiropractor’s, passion exudes from you and it is contagious to practice members and other chiropractor’s. The vision of the last chiropractor is not short term; it takes into account of at least seven generations when making any decision. Who motivates the last chiropractor? They are self motivated and are inner driven and don’t need gimmicks or quick fix methods to have short term motivation. They have a strong philosophy that keeps them purpose driven and therefore don’t need external motivation. All of this adds up to a chiropractor that is certain of what their purpose is, what their mission is and because of this Chiropractic will survive and thrive.
Are you one of the last chiropractor’s?