Thursday, July 30, 2009
Innate and Educated Intelligence

We have within us two intelligences - Innate and Educated. Innate Intelligence is a gift. Educated Intelligence is sometimes developed. Innate Intelligence is greater than Educated Intelligence.
Innate Intelligence is always a present normal known quantity, within itself. In abstract, it is always present, always normal, ready and capable of doing all, everywhere, for the needs of any composite form in which it resides. The known quantity of Innate Intelligence is "unknown" to Educated Intelligence, no matter how Educated it thinks it is.
Life is a collection of viewpoints. We gather them here, there and everywhere. We assemble them during waking and sleeping hours.
Education is no different. It is a collection of mosaic thoughts. All conclusions of today are but rearranged bits gathered from many friends, from their many suggestions, writings, printed products, etc.
There is nothing new under the sun. We are but reworking that which others have given us, with that which we have taken out of it, comes that peculiar emasculation which we claim.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
An Idea Ahead of its Time

Persistant Determination is necessary in educating the public as to the importance of living life free from subluxation.
Unknowingly the public is moving towards the vitalistic principles and practices chiropractic philosophy has professed since its beginnings. In many of the alternative forms of health care people use today, vitalism can be found. In order for one to move towards more vitalistic activities and ideas, one has to have some basic grasp or inkling of the presence of a universal intelligence. Chiropractic philosophy is vitalistic and founded on the premise there is a universal intelligence giving organization to everything. The chiropractic profession must with persistence and determination continue to educate the public as to the essence of chiropractic philosophy. This can only be achieved with an understanding of universal intelligence, innate intelligence and educated intelligence then intelligently applying it to their life. Armed with this information the public will know that in order to obtain the greatest benefit from all the healthy activities they involve themselves in they must stay as subluxation free as possible. It is only then life can express itself completely with function and performance at levels only dreamed of. When this state of consciousness permeates humanity we as a profession will have evolved into the profession we know it to be. The future looks bright for principled philosophical chiropractic. Chiropractic philosophy truly is an idea ahead of its time.
To become a client of The Last Chiropractor please click on the following link: http://tlcmemberbenefits.blogspot.com/
Unknowingly the public is moving towards the vitalistic principles and practices chiropractic philosophy has professed since its beginnings. In many of the alternative forms of health care people use today, vitalism can be found. In order for one to move towards more vitalistic activities and ideas, one has to have some basic grasp or inkling of the presence of a universal intelligence. Chiropractic philosophy is vitalistic and founded on the premise there is a universal intelligence giving organization to everything. The chiropractic profession must with persistence and determination continue to educate the public as to the essence of chiropractic philosophy. This can only be achieved with an understanding of universal intelligence, innate intelligence and educated intelligence then intelligently applying it to their life. Armed with this information the public will know that in order to obtain the greatest benefit from all the healthy activities they involve themselves in they must stay as subluxation free as possible. It is only then life can express itself completely with function and performance at levels only dreamed of. When this state of consciousness permeates humanity we as a profession will have evolved into the profession we know it to be. The future looks bright for principled philosophical chiropractic. Chiropractic philosophy truly is an idea ahead of its time.
To become a client of The Last Chiropractor please click on the following link: http://tlcmemberbenefits.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Chiropractic Adjustments Can Help the Body Heal Itself

According to a study published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, chiropractic care may influence basic physiological processes affecting oxidative stress and DNA repair—in other words, how the body heals itself.The study titled “Surrogate Indication of DNA Repair in Serum After Long Term Chiropractic Intervention—A Retrospective Study” conducted at the University of Lund (Sweden), compared 21 subjects who underwent short-term chiropractic care to 25 subjects who underwent long-term chiropractic care, and a control group of 30 subjects who did not undergo any chiropractic care.The researchers measured serum thiols levels, which are primary antioxidants and provide a surrogate estimate of DNA repair enzyme activity, or how the body heals itself.The results showed a significant difference in the serum thiol levels of the three groups. The levels were lowest in patients with active diseases and in the short-term chiropractic care group. The levels were highest in the long-term care group. Symptom-free or primary wellness subjects under chiropractic care demonstrated higher mean serum thiol levels than normal wellness values.“Going through life, we experience physical, chemical, and emotional stress," says Christopher Kent, DC, one of the authors of the study. "These stresses affect the function of the nervous system. We hypothesized that these disturbances in nerve function could affect oxidative stress and DNA repair on a cellular level. Oxidative stress results in DNA damage and inhibits DNA repair.”"I remind my patients that chiropractors apply spinal adjustments to correct disturbances of nerve function and that chiropractic care appears to improve the ability of the body to adapt to stress and therefore heal itself faster and to a greater degree," he continues.So what does Kent tell his patients when they ask him how to stay healthy?"Get adjusted," he says.
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Saturday, July 18, 2009
Explaining to the Public What Chiropractors Do

The brain and nerve system control and coordinate all bodily functions allowing the individual to adapt to an ever changing environment. In order to accomplish this there must be open communication between the brain and all the parts of the body. This brain/body connection must function with no interference in order for your body to perform and function optimally.
When there is interference with the relationship between the brain and parts of the body brain/body communication becomes less than perfect and performance and function suffer. The most common cause of interference to the nerve system is vertebral subluxation.
Chiropractors correct vertebral subluxation. Correction of subluxation removes interference to the nerve system. This restores the relationship between the brain and all the parts of the body. Communication is reestablished improving performance on all levels of human function.
It's as Simple as That!
For further information regarding being a client of The Last Chiropractor please click on the following link: http://tlcmemberbenefits.blogspot.com/
When there is interference with the relationship between the brain and parts of the body brain/body communication becomes less than perfect and performance and function suffer. The most common cause of interference to the nerve system is vertebral subluxation.
Chiropractors correct vertebral subluxation. Correction of subluxation removes interference to the nerve system. This restores the relationship between the brain and all the parts of the body. Communication is reestablished improving performance on all levels of human function.
It's as Simple as That!
For further information regarding being a client of The Last Chiropractor please click on the following link: http://tlcmemberbenefits.blogspot.com/
The Major Premise

"Universal Intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence."
"The master maker of the human body did not create you and then run off and leave you master less. He stayed on the job as INNATE, as the Fellow Within, as nerve transmission controlling every function of life, as Spirit from Above-Down, Inside-Out, expressing, creating, exploring, directing you in every field of phase of experience so that your home is truly the world and the world is your home."
The expression of Intelligence Through Matter is the Chiropractic Meaning of Life.
- Without intelligence, matter could not exist.
- Without matter, intelligence could not be expressed.
- The bond between intelligence and matter is force.
- The function of intelligence is to create force.
- The function of matter is to express force.
Life as "Specific Chiropractic" sees it, is a quality or character that matter may have, occasioned by the presence of, or attention of intelligence, having continuation or duration involving time.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Laws Of Balance

Universal Intelligence is unlimited, everywhere, in everything from the beginning of time, time without end, infinite in scope, boundless in applications, and experiences unapproachable by finite minds of men.
"Innate," as an abstract intelligence, is also unlimited. It becomes limited only by potentials of capacities contained within normal matter.
Life is a triune having three necessary united factors, namely Intelligence, Force, and Matter.
The function of Intelligence is to create force.
The function of force is to unite intelligence and matter.
The function of matter is to express force.
In order to have one hundred percent Life there must be one hundred percent Intelligence, one hundred percent force, one hundred percent matter.
'The master maker of the human body did not create you and then run off and leave you masterless. He stayed on the job as Innate, as the Fellow Within, as nerve transmission controlling every function of life, as Spirit from Above-Down, Inside-Out, expressing, creating exploring, directing you in every field of phase of experience so that your home is truly the world and the world is your home." - BJ Palmer
The expression of Intelligence through Matter is the Chiropractic meaning of Life.
- Without intelligence, matter could not exist.
- Without matter, intelligence could not be expressed.
- The bond between intelligence and matter is force.
- The function of intelligence is to create force.
- The function of matter is to express force.
Life as "Specific Chiropractic" sees it, is a quality or character that matter may have, occasionally by the presence of, or attention of intelligence, having continuation or duration involving time.
Chiropractic Text Book 1927
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Sunday, July 12, 2009
Quentin Crisp
Believe in fate, but lean forward where fate can see you. - Quentin Crisp
For further information regarding being a client of The Last Chiropractor please click on the following link: http://tlcmemberbenefits.blogspot.com/
For further information regarding being a client of The Last Chiropractor please click on the following link: http://tlcmemberbenefits.blogspot.com/
Quentin Crisp,
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Are You A Chiropractic Philosopher?

A PHILOSOPHER raises the question, "WHY?" Why do we do this as we do? Questions lead to questioning, and he who insistingly questions sees error which is intentional or accidental - for perfection is not of this age.
PHILOSOPHY "Literally, the Love of Wisdom"
Philosophy is based on answers to why of things.
It is the explanation of "SPECIFIC" Chiropractic science.
It explains "the why" of everything we do.
It is the knowledge of "phenomena" as explained by or resolved into CAUSES and REASONS, POWERS and LAWS, with 3 in-depth studies:
- A Study of the Material: bones, nerves, muscles, chemistry, etc...
- A Study of the Art: Segmental listings, torque, adjusting, follow-thru
- A Study of the Immaterial: Laws, Causes, Effects, Innate, Mental Impulse, Health
For further information regarding being a client of The Last Chiropractor please click on the following link: http://tlcmemberbenefits.blogspot.com/
Sunday, July 5, 2009
When Success is Slow, What Can You Do?

Pop Quiz: Can success be sped up? Is there an antidote to slow outcomes despite arduous planning and actions taken? What's the secret for seeing huge results right now?!
I get versions of these questions frequently from people who feel frustrated at sluggish progress in their success journey - despite all the know-how and principles they rigorously employ.
Let's get one thing straight...
When we admire someone's success, or even our own, we often focus on the end result and not so much on the effort (and time) that it took to get there. This can cultivate unrealistic expectations, especially the idea that overnight success can happen through careful strategy and an execution of sound advice.
The truth be told, success typically follows a series of little events and achievements that can seem to take an eternity, that include a few disappointments along the way, and that challenge everything about you to the core - your stamina, courage, integrity, and even your willingness to keep going.
If you focus on what's not working, guess what: You're likely coming from a place of aggravation as your mind wraps around all that is wrong.
You may even have negative thoughts like "I'm not good enough," "It will never work," or "Something must be wrong with me."
What this mentally does is engender more of these counter-productive feelings. And given what we know about the Law of Attraction, you attract what you are feeling. So negative experiences, people, and results will beget more negative experience, people, and results. There's not much success in that.
The key, then, is to focus on what IS working. To do so, I recommend two simple practices: journaling and meditation.
Maintaining a journal (I call it an Evidence Log, Results Journal, or Gratitude Journal) is a great way to steer your attention to the positive and continually renew your vision for yourself.
Start each day with reflections on what you are grateful for in your life (list them out!) and end each day with notes on what went right (again, write them down), however small they may seem.
Spend time each day in quiet contemplation, prayer or meditation.
Meditation can be powerful tool for arriving at solutions to problems and shifting your attitude so you can attract success sooner rather than later. The magic of meditation is its ability to essentially shut down the outer layer of your judgmental, highly-critical brain and allow your unconscious mind to take over. This is where you enter a deeper state of inner peace and joy, tapping into a higher level of creativity that will help usher in the results you want. (Don't know how to meditate? Lots of books and materials are available to guide you this practice. It's easier than you think. )
Let's say you're doing ALL these things, but you still aren't happy with your results...
I'll ask you then, are you taking real ACTION?
You may be taking the actions you are used to taking. But if you keep doing what you've already done, then you'll keep getting what you've always gotten. It's a matter of practicing some new behaviors. Shake things up a bit and see if you can take new actions or modify existing ones.
Remember the Rule of 5.
Every day do five specific things that take you toward your goal. Change up the five actions regularly and be open to feedback so you know when you're off course.
Lastly, I want to remind you about patience.
It's natural to underestimate how long a certain goal can take, especially a profound one. When I set a goal to become a millionaire the year was 1983. How long did it take? Eleven years. It took time for Chicken Soup for the Soul to hit the bestseller lists. You could say our tenure on the New York Times list was more than a decade in the making. That's a lot of patience for someone who initially wanted overnight success.
So, yes, patience is a virtue. But keep at it, and in no time, you'll be only one week, or one day away from your ultimate success.
Remember... be grateful, reflect on what IS working and continue to take ACTION!
© 2009 Jack Canfield
* * *
I get versions of these questions frequently from people who feel frustrated at sluggish progress in their success journey - despite all the know-how and principles they rigorously employ.
Let's get one thing straight...
When we admire someone's success, or even our own, we often focus on the end result and not so much on the effort (and time) that it took to get there. This can cultivate unrealistic expectations, especially the idea that overnight success can happen through careful strategy and an execution of sound advice.
The truth be told, success typically follows a series of little events and achievements that can seem to take an eternity, that include a few disappointments along the way, and that challenge everything about you to the core - your stamina, courage, integrity, and even your willingness to keep going.
If you focus on what's not working, guess what: You're likely coming from a place of aggravation as your mind wraps around all that is wrong.
You may even have negative thoughts like "I'm not good enough," "It will never work," or "Something must be wrong with me."
What this mentally does is engender more of these counter-productive feelings. And given what we know about the Law of Attraction, you attract what you are feeling. So negative experiences, people, and results will beget more negative experience, people, and results. There's not much success in that.
The key, then, is to focus on what IS working. To do so, I recommend two simple practices: journaling and meditation.
Maintaining a journal (I call it an Evidence Log, Results Journal, or Gratitude Journal) is a great way to steer your attention to the positive and continually renew your vision for yourself.
Start each day with reflections on what you are grateful for in your life (list them out!) and end each day with notes on what went right (again, write them down), however small they may seem.
Spend time each day in quiet contemplation, prayer or meditation.
Meditation can be powerful tool for arriving at solutions to problems and shifting your attitude so you can attract success sooner rather than later. The magic of meditation is its ability to essentially shut down the outer layer of your judgmental, highly-critical brain and allow your unconscious mind to take over. This is where you enter a deeper state of inner peace and joy, tapping into a higher level of creativity that will help usher in the results you want. (Don't know how to meditate? Lots of books and materials are available to guide you this practice. It's easier than you think. )
Let's say you're doing ALL these things, but you still aren't happy with your results...
I'll ask you then, are you taking real ACTION?
You may be taking the actions you are used to taking. But if you keep doing what you've already done, then you'll keep getting what you've always gotten. It's a matter of practicing some new behaviors. Shake things up a bit and see if you can take new actions or modify existing ones.
Remember the Rule of 5.
Every day do five specific things that take you toward your goal. Change up the five actions regularly and be open to feedback so you know when you're off course.
Lastly, I want to remind you about patience.
It's natural to underestimate how long a certain goal can take, especially a profound one. When I set a goal to become a millionaire the year was 1983. How long did it take? Eleven years. It took time for Chicken Soup for the Soul to hit the bestseller lists. You could say our tenure on the New York Times list was more than a decade in the making. That's a lot of patience for someone who initially wanted overnight success.
So, yes, patience is a virtue. But keep at it, and in no time, you'll be only one week, or one day away from your ultimate success.
Remember... be grateful, reflect on what IS working and continue to take ACTION!
© 2009 Jack Canfield
* * *
Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: http://www.jackcanfield.com/
For further information regarding being a client of The Last Chiropractor please click on the following link: http://tlcmemberbenefits.blogspot.com/
Chiropractic consultants,
Jack Canfield,
Thursday, July 2, 2009
"That Something"

“There is ‘That Something’
in every man’s soul, which can move the mountains or dry the seas.” “Then
you must be Faith!” “Yes,” came the answer, “I am Faith, but I am more—I
am that which makes men face the fires of hell, and win.” “Then you must be
Confidence, as well.” “Yes, I am more than Confidence—I am that which
makes the babbling brooks lift worlds upon their wavelets.” “You are Power,”
I cried. “Yes, I am more than Power,” answered the voice. “I am that which
makes the wretched failure lift up himself and rule the world.” “You are
Ambition—I know you now.” “Yes, I am all you say—Faith, Confidence,
Power, Ambition, and more. For greater than all is ‘That Something.’ I am
that which every man must find in his soul or else he will be but a clutterer of
the earth on which he lives.”
It is the power of the inner man, the fuel of the soul machine.
‘That Something’ lies dormant in every soul until aroused.
A man’s success depends alone on ‘That Something.’ ‘That Something’ of his soul.
If men will read that story, read and reread, until it is written on their memories; if men will believe the message you bring, and then if they will but awaken that something within their souls that now lies asleep—I say if you can make men do this, you will have done
more for mankind than any man or any thousand men have done in many,
many years. Write it, man, write it word for word as you have told it here, so
every man may read. Write it, man, write it!”
And so it has been written. You who have heard it through, I pray that you may hear it every word again and again until ‘That Something’ of your souls has been aroused, and
you have taken your places among the rulers of the world.
For further information regarding being a client of The Last Chiropractor please click on the following link: http://tlcmemberbenefits.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
"BJ said, "Even as a boy, in the very youth of my life and Chiropractic, I made a vow:

"That I would live to so develop Chiropractic that it would find and locate and be able to correct a specific cause for every dis-ease in the human body; and to so develop this philosophy and art that it would be made scientific, where it would be recognized as scientific by scientific men, and so proved by use of scientific instruments."
It is something the world has been seeking for 5,000 years. It is now yours. It is your property to respect, to protect, to defend. We are passing this challenge to you now, Today, to save what we have labored so long, so diligently to preserve for the SAKE OF MANKIND. We have laid the impregnable foundation for our super-structure; we now face the greatest challenge of all, SURVIVAL. This you can and will meet, of this we have no doubt. - BJ Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.
For further information regarding being a client of The Last Chiropractor please click on the following link: http://tlcmemberbenefits.blogspot.com/
BJ Palmer,
Chiropractic consultants,
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