Rosen Coaching at http://www.rosencoaching.com/ has tons of free information to help you be a better Chiropractor, check out the website today. Dr. Angie Meyer was our last interview of The Last Chiropractor interview on blogtalkradio.com, one of the coaches at Rosen Coaching. Below is information from their website on the benefits of a coach.
Benefits Of Working With A Coach
What is needed?
Coaching is proven to work when two factors are present:
The client is willing to learn, grow and take action
There is a gap between where he/she is now and where he/she wants to be
That's all that is necessary for a successful coaching relationship where you can develop the right strategy, implement a plan of action, and achieve your goals. Anything is possible within our coaching relationship. With a coach you can:
Take More, Better, and Smarter Actions
Our first task together is to find out exactly what you really want for yourself. Once you create objectives that are clearly in line with your professional vision, you are much more likely to naturally and consistently take actions to reach them.
Have A Balanced Life, Which Works Well
Professional success is maximized when you enjoy a sense of personal fulfillment and life balance. We will discuss how to be selfish yet responsible, and how to carve out enough time so your life outside of work is exactly the way you want it to be.
Make Better Decisions
We will help you become focused as you share ideas with us. We will understand you and be subjective enough to want a lot for you, yet objective enough not to be biased or self-serving. You'll also find that just talking about your options with someone who really listens is often enough to clarify things.
Reach For More-Much More
When you have a partner you trust, you will reach for much more because you can afford to. Are you ready to think big and really live your life fully? I am a partner who will enable you to take your life wherever you want it to go.
Make and Keep More Money
Most people are worth a lot more than they are making. Are you happy with your financial situation? If not, we can look at your beliefs about money and address whatever is keeping you from experiencing financial abundance.
Have More Sustainable Energy
Together we'll identify the things that drain your energy, and create a long-term strategy to eliminate them. In addition, we'll focus on the things that give you energy, and explore how to maximize their impact. When you're happy, productive, and free from tolerations and problems, life is a lot more fun!
Yeah, Chiropractic treatment is the most powerful natural curing method. I also like this natural method because it, the most viable treatment method than any other treatment method.
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