The Last Chiropractor
Volume 1, April 2009
The Last Chiropractor, a consulting firm, dedicated to helping doctors of chiropractic develop the practice of their dreams built on a foundation of Universal Principles and Chiropractic's Philosophy of Life.
How Do I Become A Member?
The easiest way is to just talk to Dr. Mjoen or Dr. Headlee about how we can help you start and grow your practice. Or you can follow the steps below.
Three Easy Steps:
Step 1 – email TLC at thelastchiropractor@gmail.com
Step 2 – Give us your name, number & best time to reach you.
Step 3 – We contact you via phone.
Significant Savings for the next 10 Clients!!!
Check it out at:
We work with a limited number of clients. If you have any interest at all please contact us now. Ask us about our Graduate to Greatness Program a cost effective program specifically designed for the new graduate.
Don’t forget to check out The Last Chiropractor at:
If you like what you see, hear and read on this site please tell your friends.
Contact us in person or via email to get on our mailing list @
Intelligence3 = Universal x Innate x Educated
I3 Immersion 1.0
Chiropractic philosophy is an exercise of one’s educated intelligence, the starting point of understanding and application of the science and art. Subservient to innate intelligence, educated intelligence recognizes there is more biological wisdom within the sleeping newborn than one could ever hope to attain in one hundred lifetimes. Innate intelligence orchestrates the symphony of life as educated intelligence enjoys the ride through universal intelligence.
Practice Procedures
People won’t buy the message until they buy the messenger.
You must believe, understand and live the philosophy of chiropractic.
You must talk the talk and walk the walk.
You must lead by example.
Your entire staff must function as one. Just as your brain runs your body you are the brain of your practice whose responsibility it is to run the practice so that it is a happy, healthy and profitable enterprise. Your practice has to be subluxation free just as your nerve system does. The Last Chiropractor applies their chiropractic philosophy to all aspects of life.
The Last Chiropractor is passionate about the service they are providing their community in their own individual and unique way. They set themselves on fire with intention and purpose attracting large numbers of people to come watch them burn and feel the glow and warmth of health.
The world cannot resist an individual with a made up mind!
The Last Chiropractor’s Mind IS Made Up!
Who is The Last Chiropractor?
The Last Chiropractor stands out amongst their peers by practicing their chosen profession as if they were The Last Chiropractor in the world and without them chiropractic would not survive. From this perspective The Last Chiropractor insures chiropractic will not only survive, it will thrive. The Last Chiropractor is committed to the Vitalistic Philosophy of Life. The Last Chiropractor is passionate about educating as many families about this philosophy as they can. Persistent Determination guarantees the success of The Last Chiropractor. The Last Chiropractor not only fly’s, they soar to heights never before achieved by the ordinary chiropractor. Far from ordinary, The Last Chiropractor is Extraordinary. Let us help you spread your wings.
TLC, What’s New?
· Our blog http://thelastchiropractor.blogspot.com/ is constantly updated with great articles, interviews and videos.
· Our last five interviews have been with Chuck Gibson, Dick Versendaul, Joe Stucky, Michael Scimeca, Tom Morgan and our own Guy Riekeman, all outstanding chiropractors and leaders of the profession.
· Google The Last Chiropractor and see what you get.
· Monthly eNewsletters
· There is never a charge for your initial consultation to find out if we meet your needs.
· Stop by and talk in person, e-mail or call us at:
Some Positive Food For Thot
You are what you are and where you are by what you have put into your mind. You can change what you are and where you are by changing what you put into your mind.
Zig Zigler
You put the good stuff in;
You get the good stuff out!
Garbage in; garbage out!
The choice is yours!!!
A Poem for Thot:
I bargained with Life for a penny,
Volume 1, April 2009
The Last Chiropractor, a consulting firm, dedicated to helping doctors of chiropractic develop the practice of their dreams built on a foundation of Universal Principles and Chiropractic's Philosophy of Life.
How Do I Become A Member?
The easiest way is to just talk to Dr. Mjoen or Dr. Headlee about how we can help you start and grow your practice. Or you can follow the steps below.
Three Easy Steps:
Step 1 – email TLC at thelastchiropractor@gmail.com
Step 2 – Give us your name, number & best time to reach you.
Step 3 – We contact you via phone.
Significant Savings for the next 10 Clients!!!
Check it out at:
We work with a limited number of clients. If you have any interest at all please contact us now. Ask us about our Graduate to Greatness Program a cost effective program specifically designed for the new graduate.
Don’t forget to check out The Last Chiropractor at:
If you like what you see, hear and read on this site please tell your friends.
Contact us in person or via email to get on our mailing list @
Intelligence3 = Universal x Innate x Educated
I3 Immersion 1.0
Chiropractic philosophy is an exercise of one’s educated intelligence, the starting point of understanding and application of the science and art. Subservient to innate intelligence, educated intelligence recognizes there is more biological wisdom within the sleeping newborn than one could ever hope to attain in one hundred lifetimes. Innate intelligence orchestrates the symphony of life as educated intelligence enjoys the ride through universal intelligence.
Practice Procedures
People won’t buy the message until they buy the messenger.
You must believe, understand and live the philosophy of chiropractic.
You must talk the talk and walk the walk.
You must lead by example.
Your entire staff must function as one. Just as your brain runs your body you are the brain of your practice whose responsibility it is to run the practice so that it is a happy, healthy and profitable enterprise. Your practice has to be subluxation free just as your nerve system does. The Last Chiropractor applies their chiropractic philosophy to all aspects of life.
The Last Chiropractor is passionate about the service they are providing their community in their own individual and unique way. They set themselves on fire with intention and purpose attracting large numbers of people to come watch them burn and feel the glow and warmth of health.
The world cannot resist an individual with a made up mind!
The Last Chiropractor’s Mind IS Made Up!
Who is The Last Chiropractor?
The Last Chiropractor stands out amongst their peers by practicing their chosen profession as if they were The Last Chiropractor in the world and without them chiropractic would not survive. From this perspective The Last Chiropractor insures chiropractic will not only survive, it will thrive. The Last Chiropractor is committed to the Vitalistic Philosophy of Life. The Last Chiropractor is passionate about educating as many families about this philosophy as they can. Persistent Determination guarantees the success of The Last Chiropractor. The Last Chiropractor not only fly’s, they soar to heights never before achieved by the ordinary chiropractor. Far from ordinary, The Last Chiropractor is Extraordinary. Let us help you spread your wings.
TLC, What’s New?
· Our blog http://thelastchiropractor.blogspot.com/ is constantly updated with great articles, interviews and videos.
· Our last five interviews have been with Chuck Gibson, Dick Versendaul, Joe Stucky, Michael Scimeca, Tom Morgan and our own Guy Riekeman, all outstanding chiropractors and leaders of the profession.
· Google The Last Chiropractor and see what you get.
· Monthly eNewsletters
· There is never a charge for your initial consultation to find out if we meet your needs.
· Stop by and talk in person, e-mail or call us at:
Some Positive Food For Thot
You are what you are and where you are by what you have put into your mind. You can change what you are and where you are by changing what you put into your mind.
Zig Zigler
You put the good stuff in;
You get the good stuff out!
Garbage in; garbage out!
The choice is yours!!!
A Poem for Thot:
I bargained with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store.
For Life is a just employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.
I worked for a menial's hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have willingly paid.
Author Unknown
The Last Chiropractor
Who are the Founders?
Mike Headlee, DC and David Mjoen, DC both philosophically grounded in the essence of chiropractic have created a one of a kind consulting firm. You have two dedicated chiropractors committed to doing Whatever It Takes to get the most out of you. We are here to help you build a philosophically grounded practice of your dreams.
Our services are very affordable. We have purposely developed a company which serves you in the convenience of your home and office. We only work with a limited number of qualified clients.
With The Last Chiropractor (TLC) you have two coaches for less than the cost of one. We are able to do this by taking advantage of the latest in technology. With TLC you are able to learn and grow from the comfort of your office or home. You avoid the costly expense of time out of the office. No more air-fare, hotel rooms and food for you and your staff. This expense can easily run into thousands of dollars.
Dr. Mjoen and Dr. Headlee are ready and willing to do Whatever It Takes to assist you up the stairway of success as you build the practice of your dreams.
Author Unknown
The Last Chiropractor
Who are the Founders?
Mike Headlee, DC and David Mjoen, DC both philosophically grounded in the essence of chiropractic have created a one of a kind consulting firm. You have two dedicated chiropractors committed to doing Whatever It Takes to get the most out of you. We are here to help you build a philosophically grounded practice of your dreams.
Our services are very affordable. We have purposely developed a company which serves you in the convenience of your home and office. We only work with a limited number of qualified clients.
With The Last Chiropractor (TLC) you have two coaches for less than the cost of one. We are able to do this by taking advantage of the latest in technology. With TLC you are able to learn and grow from the comfort of your office or home. You avoid the costly expense of time out of the office. No more air-fare, hotel rooms and food for you and your staff. This expense can easily run into thousands of dollars.
Dr. Mjoen and Dr. Headlee are ready and willing to do Whatever It Takes to assist you up the stairway of success as you build the practice of your dreams.
1 comment:
Nice message with lots of information included in the posting.Please find our link
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