The second step towards riches is Faith. Faith is the visualization of, and belief in attainment of desire. - Napoleon Hill
Jim Parker, D.C. said it very well, "you must have faith, confidence, and belief (FCB), in your products, services, and ideas (PSI), to achieve greatness." FCB in your PSI.
You can't sell what you do not own. The Last Chiropractor owns the philosophy, science, ans art of Chiropractic. They study the green books daily, listen to Cd's, pod casts, etc., and are constantly re-affirming their faith in Chiropractic by planting positive seeds in their mind so it can continue to produce great results.
The book and movie of THE SECRET is another great example of how thinking, believing over and over results in achieving.
Chiropractic Principle number six in The Chiropractic Textbook is The function of Intelligence: The function of intelligence is to create force.
The Last Chiropractor creates force by constantly reinforcing their faith with repetition of positive thoughts, words, and actions in attainment of their desires.
I can not help but agree! Being a student at Sherman College, we hold (faithfully) all three legs of the stool. If one stays true to all three legs, then chiropractic is pure and effective everytime! Chiropractic isn't the problem; it's the derailed ChiropracTORs.
Keep sending the word out; more Chiropractors need to get on board with REAL chiropractic!
~Jaime Browning
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